Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pleasure Police and the Use of Shock Quotes

Ravenwood on a really bizarre study suggesting zoning to prevent fast food restraunts from being placed near schools. But get this quote:
In the study's conclusion, the authors compare fast food to the danger of guns to minors. Given legal precedents with regard to "firearms vendors," the study suggests the government should "impose stricter controls on fast-food restaurant sites."
I haven't found the actual report that says anything like this, but I do find it quoted at The Center for Consumer Freedom who is apparently the origin of all of this.

I looked on the website of American Journal of Public Health and didn't find the report. Guess we only have these quotes to base this on. Pretty strange stuff to say the least.

1 comment:

Granted said...

So fast food causes fewer deaths than 5 gallon buckets? That seems a little shocking, but OK.