Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Huffington vs. Hanson

Vodkapundit compares it to "Bambi Meets Godzilla." Appropriate.


Nylarthotep said...

I've seen a couple of VDH's debates. If he has a good opponent, they are very interesting.

The VodkaPundit comments warn that Huffinbone was the head of the Oxford debating team. I don't see that as really relevant though. Personally I doubt she'll be able to touch Hanson's arguments. This topic is one that I've seen several interviews with him on, and he was very inciteful.

You can pretty much conclude that VDH will lose in the MSM op-eds. Though the reasonable, non-partisan viewer will probably find Hanson more reasonable and convincing.

Personally, I just want to read the transcripts, because I hate Arianna's voice. Dragging your fingernails on the chalk board is a symphony compared to her voice.

Granted said...

Really, it's going to be Nixon/Kennedy, where the emotional attachment is with the attractive, emotive, side of the debate, rather than the more cerebral. Let's be honest, intellectually, he'll crush her. Emotionally, she'll crush him. So, if you watch it with your nerve ends, you'll love Arianna. If your brain is engaged, VDH will be screaming in triumph as stomps through her like Gojira through Tokyo. Should be fun, but it won't change minds.