Thursday, June 02, 2005

More on Expelled From Preschool Again Twice

Should have known. Neal Pollack has a blog. He posted his distaste for what so many of us thought of his article there.

Dude, in case you follow the track-backs, what you may have intended with that article was a comment on the state of our child care system, but that ain't what you wrote. What you wrote generated the response you received. You come off whinny. You come off insensitive, not just to your own kid, but worse, to the victims of your kid. Worst of all for me, you don't seem to take direct personal responsibility for this issue and instead try to lay the blame on the child care workers who are probably honestly doing their level best (whether or not it's good enough...).

Parenting toddlers is tough. Try doing two at the same time. Add on to that fact that one of them is problematic (my own cherubic little boy can be an unholy terror) and you're living in hell. No denying it. However, your method of public unzipping on the issue was met appropriately.


Nylarthotep said...

"I know that most of the criticism is grounded in little more than supposition, misreading between the lines, and, to use a lame-o psychobabble term, the respondents' "own baggage." But I still think the overall response was shameful. I was trying to elucidate a legitimate sociological phenomenon, based on a study that came out the same day that my son got expelled, and to point out certain defects in our country's child-care system. "

So, it's because the reader is an incomp that he received the negative comments. This guy is a "writer?" Apparently he doesn't understand that maybe it was his crappy writing that didn't get the point he wanted across. "It's not my fault that you morons didn't understand what I meant when I said something different."

Par for the course.

Also, If you're going to dump a raw nerve online, expect it to be probed with a crowbar.

geekwife said...

Also right in keeping with not taking personal responsibility for anything. Everyone around him is at fault, but never him.

Hmmmm... want to put money on which political party he supports?

I still feel badly for his son. Daddy clearly isn't going to hear any of the helpful comments given by scads of parents who've been there.