Saturday, June 18, 2005

Jeb Bush: Jackass

I think the title pretty much sums up my sentiment on this.

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reopened Terri Schiavo's case yesterday by asking a prosecutor to review a perceived delay by her husband in seeking medical help after her collapse 15 years ago.

Two days after an autopsy appeared to put allegations against Michael Schiavo to rest, Bush asked Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney Bernard McCabe to look into what the governor called an unexplained 40- to 70-minute gap between Terri Schiavo's Feb. 25, 1990, collapse and her husband's call to 911.

Fifteen years later, Jeb Bush decides that there needs to be a criminal investigation. He bases his concern on conflicting information from a Larry King Live interview and the 2000 end-of-life trial statements by Michael Schiavo. Strange, I don't see how the statements from Larry King Live has any relevance to the topics.

You think Michael Schiavo has a case for a Harassment suit against the governor?

1 comment:

Granted said...

And everyone says the Bush in the Whitehouse is the stupid one... I beg to differ.