Friday, June 17, 2005

More Political Imbeciles

Let's start with that brilliant light Dick Durbin. Here is where I found the direct quote.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime -- Pol Pot or others -- that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.
Do I need to make a statement regarding this Buffoon? Captain's Quarters has more here and here on the topic.

Then there is Frist and the Schiavo case. This WaPo Op-ed is looking for an apology. Then there is this LATimes article on Frist's remarks Thursday on the topic.
"I never made the diagnosis," Frist said to reporters Thursday. "I wouldn't even attempt to make a diagnosis based on a videotape."

But Democratic political operatives circulated transcripts of Frist's statements in March that clearly questioned the doctors' diagnosis after he had watched the video footage of Schiavo.

"That footage, to me, depicted something very different than persistent vegetative state," Frist said March 17 on the Senate floor.
The additional finding that she was blind and oblivious to what was happening around her was at odds with Frist's comment in his March 17 remarks in the Senate that "she certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli."

But queried about that comment in an interview Thursday on NBC's "Today" show, Frist insisted, "I never said she responded."

The Schiavo matter could prove troublesome to Frist in a presidential campaign if opponents use it to raise questions about his credibility.
Vote for this ass for president? Not a freakin' chance.

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