Friday, June 17, 2005

New Gun Poll From Gallup

Found this discussed at Ravenwood's Universe. They have a link to an article discussing the findings. I couldn't find any way to actually see the poll results/methods. (I'm not going to pay for them which appears to be the only way to view them.) I'm going to remain skeptical of the results because of that. Here's a quote from the article Ravenwood links too.
"These numbers from the Gallup poll speak for themselves: The gun lobby's agenda to permit the carrying of hidden, loaded handguns in public is extremist and out of the mainstream," said Jeri Bonavia, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort. "Lawmakers should know when they push for CCW legislation, they're going out on a limb for a radical policy that is not supported by the voters in their districts."
Radical Policy is an interesting idea. Funny that a majority of states have some form of concealed carry right now, and if that were such an unpopular law, why haven't they been repealed? Or could it be more likely that the results of the poll and this groups interpretations are flawed?

I'd really like to see this report. Or even see someone's analysis that isn't coming from a gun-grabber group.

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