Friday, June 24, 2005

Top 100 Movie Quotes

This is amusing. These were selected by "A jury of 1,500 film artists, critics and historians."

I love the fact that Bogart had the most quotes(10) on the ballot. And, thankfully, the Marx Brothers had six. (Though they didn't get many on the actual list.)

Oh and Peter Sellers had four. Including my favorite (which made the list):
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
That quote always makes me laugh.


Granted said...

"Houston, we have a problem" isn't from a frigging movie. It's from the real g-d world. It was a common phrase ages before Tom frelling Hanks said it.

Breath, breath... It's OK. People are morons... breath.

Granted said...

Also, I'm pretty sure they've got some of these quotes wrong. For example, they show "It was Beauty killed the Beast" for King Kong and I'm fairly certain the quote is "'Twas Beauty killed the Beast". Subtle difference, but it's there. There were a few others that didn't ring quite right, but I'm not that sure of them.

Granted said...

And who's shocked that 1939 is the year with the most quotes? That was one heck of a year in Hollywood.