Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Pinnacles of Near Perfect Ignorance

Sometimes you just have to love Rumsfeld's answers.

Some analysts and lawmakers have suggested that recruiting shortfalls and large deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan may force the United States to consider reviving the draft, abolished in 1973.

"I think the only people who could conceivably be talking about a draft are people who are speaking from pinnacles of near-perfect ignorance. The last thing we need is a draft -- we just don't," Rumsfeld added.

The rest of the article is about the nuclear bunker buster. Clearly this is a poor idea. A sufficiently small nuclear device, similar to the "Atomic Annie" artillery shell, would only be contained by the depths that this missile would not likely punch too. There are plenty or articles discussing this online. (Though the articles here and here are quite good.) The depths estimated in one of the articles for max missile penetration top out around 20m. The depth to contain a small nuke is about 600m.

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