Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Massachusetts To Vote on War

Oh lordy. Sometimes, I really dislike this state. Of course, this is going to pass, and then people will be running in circles waving it over their heads.
Does the Viet Nam generation take responsibility for what happened to South Viet Nam after our cut & run there? As soon as I see someone say that, yeah, it was a good idea to kill a million people & leave 'em under repressive communist rule for thirty years, I might just buy that they're thinking about the repercussions of their actions. Barring that, this is just another chance for lefties to feel good about themselves without actually doing ANYTHING to improve the world. Idiots.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Hey, maybe there should be random votes on all the topics that someone could find offending. Let's do a ballot proposition on Pederasty. (Oh, wait, Massachusetts apparently doesn't care about that, except unless a republican rep from another state does it.)

This is idiotic. Local municipalities, never mind states don't set foreign policy for very good reasons. Having a vote to wave the local flag of non-support is just mental masturbation.