Thursday, October 19, 2006

Confusing Gun Rights Support

This is a rather odd pro-gun entry at ProgressiveU. The starting paragraph is a typical argument seen from people who think pandering solely to the sport gun users is all that is reasonable.
It’s that time of year about the election and one big topic I’m always hearing about is gun control or anti gun talk. These are brought up by people who have never fired a gun nor understand the whole point of a gun. A gun is not meant as a self defense tool although many people believe it is. It’s a sport, a game. You and a few buddies take the guns out and have small competitions. Nothing different then shooting basketball or playing baseball. The reasons people think guns are bad are because of two reasons which I’m going to address.
It's a game? No, I think sport is alright or competition, but taking it down to buddies shooting basketballs isn't quite there. I shoot, periodically, with friends, but it isn't shooting hoops. There is a great deal more caution and responsibility required. You don't have much risk of dying shooting hoops if you or your buddy screws up.

As for the self defense statement, that's utter rubbish. Historically firearms have been used more for self defense than for sporting. I'd even state that hunting for food has more to do with self defense than sport.

Then the author goes and makes a self defense statement:
Now say if a gun ban had been placed over the US. What if a guy comes up with a knife? What are you going to do? Have a nation wide knife ban then? See violence will always be around. It’s all part of human nature. Human nature is to fight each other. If a person is out to kill someone it will happen. It could be with a knife, a bat, a car, or anything else they can get a hold of. But of course guns are the one thing that is blamed for things.
Yes, that is true, but it's a touch weak if your contention as above is that firearms aren't for self defense. I'm not saying it negates that argument, just makes it less than what it should be.

The rest of the arguments are intelligently played.

Read it yourself.

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