Friday, May 06, 2005

Scape Goat?

Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski whose unit had 'control' of Abu Ghraib has been demoted. Scape Goat? I'd think yes, but then she did have command of the prison, even if she didn't have control. Seems like it was a scenario that would end up with her taking the fall in the end. I wonder how much control she was accorded of the interrogators though. Far too many of the guards have said that they were given orders by the CIA types, and that really should give one pause. I have a sneaking suspicion that the intelligence services over there were out of control, and the army is getting the majority of the blame.

No doubt this will do nothing to silence the human rights groups. If they can't have some high end politico's head, they can't be happy. I just haven't seen any sufficient evidence that convinces me that these actions were controlled, never mind approved of, by any high ranking administration appointee.

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