Sunday, May 29, 2005

More than 100% Voter Turnout

My mother-in-law, an avid Boston Globe worshipper, uh, I mean, reader, loves to point out to me that the last election was really close because if only a few thousand votes had swung in Ohio... Lordy I get sick of it. I always liked to point out that I'd trade her vote for vote in Pennsylvania since it was closer there, but it just confuses her since the Globe doesn't report information like that. Well here's more information that the Globe isn't likely to report. Apparently there were more votes than voters in Wisconson as reported in the link. This kind of stuff just makes you crazy.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

The thing that this points to is that there aren't sufficient laws/regulations controlling these elections and the officials running them and there is no accountability. There is a huge prevalence of people screaming that the federal government isn't doing enough to ensure fair voting practices, but they completely fail to note that state regulations control these elections and that the local govenments are completely complicit in the unfairness and fraud by refusing to take actions to clearly define what is done with all of the various forms of ballots. This is especially true for those provisional ballots.

You could bet that if the local voting commissions could see jail time for just dumping all those ballots in with the rest, there would be much less of this type of fraud.