Monday, May 16, 2005

Fascism in America

This is one sad collection of "facts" about the fascism in America. I especially like the website distributing this valuable information, for free, over the internet built by the US government, without censorship or fear of arrest, that I'm free to read without censorship or fear of arrest, telling me how the government is controlling the media.

Oh, and it just keeps going, fraudulent elections (irregularities in Florida and Ohio, but none in Pennsylvania, go figure), cronyism and corruption (but no mention of the pardons for money, huh...), cutting government funding for the arts (yes, we need more films of people staring at vegetables & roots), protecting corporate power (pay no attention to those prosecutions in Enron & elsewhere), suppressing labor (yeah, it's not like organized labor screwed itself over in any way), religion & government (ok, they have a point, proof that a broken clock can be right twice a day)... On & on & on...

Exactly what planet do these guys live on?

Go read it. It's like bad science fiction.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Fascinating. Though, if I weren't lazy, I would bet I could pull quotes and news reports from the democrats and Clinton administration that would fill out all of these categories.

But, interesting that this person puts together many policies that are generally used by any government, not just fascists. Patriotism and region? Please, the Nazis used nationalist religion to control it. The US requires the separation of church and state, but that is the same somehow? Maybe I'm missing when the Bush administration setup the national religion.

Fascism usually controls all those speaking points to an invasive and overwhelming manner. The US doesn't have any systematic control over any of those topics.

Bad Science Fiction? No way. This is pure fantasy.