Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Who Voted For the Filibuster: List of Obstructionists

I haven't found a full list, but I've pulled some of the names together. I don't see any other way to define the people who voted for the filibuster. Obstructionist is pretty accurate, especially considering that they knew from the start that they didn't have the votes.

It also makes you wonder how Kerry gets off throwing stones at Bush for pandering to the far right, when Kerry's filibuster dance is an obvious pandering to the far left. Isn't his actions rather hypocritical in light of his statements?

John Kerry
Ted (the Hutt) Kennedy. (I thought his head was going to explode during the debate.)
Dianne Feinstein
Barbara Boxer
Jim Jeffords
Harry Reid
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Evan Bayh
Lincoln Chafee (RINO or worse)
Mark Dayton
Christopher Dodd
Richard Durbin
Russ Feingold
Tom Harkin
Frank Lautenberg
Patrick Leahy
Carl Levin
Robert Menedez
Barbara Mikulski
Patty Murray
Barack Obama
Jack Reed
Paul Sarbanes
Chuck Schumer
Debbie Stabenow
Ron Wyden

I find the funniest part of all of this is the statements about moving the court to the right.
"If confirmed," blustered Kennedy, "Alito could very well fundamentally alter the balance of the court and push it dangerously to the right." Sen. Hillary Rodham-Clinton (or is it just "Clinton" these days?) concurred: "The fate of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance." Chuck Schumer added, "Alito is a controversial nominee for a pivotal swing vote on the High Court who could shift the balance of the court, and thus the laws of the nation, for decades to come."
It's quite humorous because there seemed to be no issue with the balance when Breyer replaced Blackmun. That's a liberal replacing a conservative by the way, not a conservative replacing a less conservative judge.

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