Saturday, January 14, 2006

Gun Blog List

This is Anthroblogogy (Boy I hope I spelt that right.) who has a very comprehensive list of gun blogs. I got a laugh since this blog is on the list.

They have essentially all of the blogs that I have and a bunch more.

I'll have to leave a comment thanking them for the list.

1 comment:

NotClauswitz said...

Hey dude I am a Gunblog bookmark collector! :-) I like your emphasis on training and education.
I think that the way you present it is unique - it struck me that way anyhow, and therefore worthwhile for me to keep track of!
I don't use the Blog-Ecosystem Thing/ranking system (is that even its purpose?) to keep track of Blogstuff. For one thing it doesn't reflect what I consider value. Heh, I never listened to Top-40 Radio in high-school either, they didn't have anything to do with my listening pleasure - it was all horrible bubblegum.