Sunday, January 29, 2006

Vodkapundit Knocks one out of the park

All I can say is "YES"

Where is the party that is truly, really, in favor of individual rights? That means the right smoke a weed (as long as its done at home & doesn't involve driving cars, operating heavy machinery, etc., just like alcohol), sleep with the consenting adult of your choice (note the key word here, adult), own a firearm (including those scary hand guns & "assualt weapons"), whatever, that involves no harm or foul to your fellow man. Of course that party also has to have a Jacksonian approach to foreign policy; don't mess with us and we won't mess with you, mess with us and we'll jack you up proper.

Give me that party and I'll vote for them.

To quote a Tom from a comment below, I'm now going to pee into the wind and expect to not get wet.

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