Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ninth Circuit Holds That Possession of an "Assault Weapon" Isn't a "Crime of Violence":

Go and read the SayUncle comment on this as well.

This is from the Volokh Conspiracy. Law stuff about guns. And about the 9th curcuit court.

Judge Kozinski's opinion on this issue — a matter of construing the Sentencing Guidelines, though informed by an understanding of what "assault weapons" are like and how they may be used — was just handed down yesterday. It struck me as an interesting example of how courts make decisions that rely on statutory text, precedent, action by other government bodies, and understanding of the world, and one that laypeople may find especially interesting because it's tied to (though not squarely a part of) the Great American Gun Debate.
Having said that, go and read the whole thing. There are some, uh, interesting points.

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