Saturday, January 28, 2006

HNN Communists

Just a quick one. This is supposed to be a review of a book by a man jailed for being a Communist, back the in the good old days when they were an active power in the world and were trying to kill us. Anyway, read it and tell me that it's not a book review and instead it's an apology for the mistakes made by the American Communist Party in their attempts at taking over our country. It goes on, considering the length of the piece, for quite a while about the good that the Party (note the capitalization) did with black & poor people. Then it talks for a while about how, they really shouldn't have defended all the purges in the Soviet Union (note, not that the purges shouldn't have happened, but that they should be defended). You really get this sense of "Ah, if only... Then we could be living under the kind of good government that Pol Pot brought to Cambodia..."


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