Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Ukrainian Uranium Upset

Pretty interesting that they found this small amount of Uranium 238 in a car at the airport. But of course Reuters takes a flight of fancy with this statement.
Depleted uranium, where uranium-238 is normally found, can theoretically be used to make nuclear "dirty bombs," but it is often used in gun ammunition and armor because of its high density.
Let's see, U-238 has a half life of 4.5 Billion years and is an alpha emitter. Using U-238 for a dirty bomb is just stupid. The clean up would be simple and the exposure threat minimal. Hell, most people would get a greater radiation exposure going into their basements for a few minutes and breathing Radon progeny. (I'd have said daughter products, but that is too un-PC.)

You know, I "theoretically" could use a rock to make a dirty bomb. Doesn't mean it's going to be a disaster when it goes off.

Nothing like hyping something to make a story.

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