Thursday, March 10, 2005

Military Reading List

This looks like a hell of a source for good information. I'm going to start digging into the WWI archive right now and I'll branch out later. The spawn are getting interested in the Revolutionary War and I've only read a couple of books on the subject ("First Salute" by Tuchman, "Battle of Paoli" by McGuire, "The Price of Folly" by Seymor, "The War For Independence" by Peckham [which wasn't great] and "1776" by it's at the library [which was a great little history]) and should be able to speak intelligently to the little maggots.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Skip the Federalist/Anti-Federalist papers. They are fairly hard core. They spoke english back then, and translating the subtle differences is hard at times in them.

I picked up the Ketchum books because they were highly recommended. They're on the pile. I read a French and indian war book to get a bit of perspective.

"A few bloody noses" by Robert Harvey looks interesting as well.

I need a job where I can sit around and read things that I like. Not going to happen, but I can wish.