Sunday, March 06, 2005

Gee, I wonder why no one trusts the Dems on Foreign Policy

It's not like they keep proving themselves to be utterly clueless or anything.

A pattern I've been noticing has developed over time. Clinton and his administration seem to be the perfect examplars of it. In a nutshell, if someone says the things you want to hear, you don't need to explore their motivations, actions or intent any further. So, for the Clinton administration, as long as Arafat kept saying to them that he wanted peace with Israel, it didn't matter what he did or said at home. As long as Kim Jong Il said that he wasn't interested in pursuing nukes, we could feed his nuclear program despite the fact the he was violating the treaty we signed with him. There are other instances that I can't think of right now. It's an extreme instance of form over content and it just seems to be concentrated in Bill Clinton. Now we have a repressive regime held up as the guiding light of liberalism in the world. Why? Because they say they are. That's enough for Bill.

Combine it with junk like this: The New York Times on Iraqi Elections (nods to the Instapundit. Is it any wonder, in this time of hostility from overseas, the country stopped trusting the Democrats?

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Oh, you're being much to harsh on old slick willie.

He had a camera in his presence and god knows he had to show boat for the audience. He also said it was his "belief" and we all know not to get between a democrat's belief and the truth.

What a complete and utter ASS.

Worst of all, it's an Arab news service that is carving him up. How utterly embarassing.