Friday, February 18, 2005


His time in the Navy. Yes. His work for Habitat for Humanity. Yes. His alternate energy policies (not counting the anti-nuke ones). Yes. Every other bloody possible thing he seems to have ever, ever, ever done. Hell, no. Why on earth we named a sub after him...


Nylarthotep said...

It's called the USS "Jimmy" Carter. Talk about your total lack of dignity.

Worse yet is that this boat is for special warfare missions and is replacing the last sub that did this. I'm certain JimmyPeanut is thrilled that they'll be doing all kinds of things he disapproves of with this boat.

Nylarthotep said...

Oh. and I forgot to mention that it is a "Nucular" submarine. Had to say it just like Jimmy does.

Granted said...

Not just Jemma... Every time Bush says nukular the GeekWife twitches and curses like she has Turrets.