Monday, February 14, 2005

9/11 Conspiracy Article

Came from the Instapundit (Glen Reynolds) via Austin Bay.

Popular Mechanics looks at the conspiracies.


Granted said...

Loved this article. I just think the lack of details will prevent this from popping the bubbles of too many of the wing-nuts.

Nylarthotep said...

Agreed. And unfortunately many of the sources of real data are from government agencies. "We all know that the government did it, so how can we believe these government agencies?"

I am continuously dismayed at the basic lack of any understanding of physics by most of the crackpots. The puff of dust ones are just hillarious. Having tons of material slamming the building floors together couldn't possible cause puffs of dust. The air the material was displacing went where?

Well, I suppose if you don't care about the least bit of logic, you can continue to believe that Bush (evil evil evil) planned and executed these attacks. But I still don't understand how he can be an evil genius one minute and a dumb ass the next.