Tuesday, February 22, 2005

CNN Committing Firearms Felony

First saw a discussion of this at The Smallest Minority.

The discussion there and the transcript really does look to me like this was a totally illegal purchase both from the seller and purchaser's side. Then the transportation of the feloniously purchased firearm across state lines would be a second felony.

Of course they start out with the BS on their illegal purchase by stating the .50 cal they bought is a "fearsome" weapon and all the associated rubbish. Then you have this brilliant bit of rhetoric:
GRIFFIN (voice-over): Gun control advocates want a federal ban on this weapon. Their reasoning, anything that can hit a target at 1,000 yards with the bullet the size of a small artillery shell could certainly pose a major threat to aircraft. [emphasis mine]
Yeah, artillery shell. Threat to aircraft. When was the last time someone used .50 caliber in artillery? Oh Never? Well, I guess they are just doing responsible reporting and not over hyping the situation.

It's even more entertaining to see that the go to "Congressman Moran" for professional opinion on what the effects of a .50 caliber would be on a jet.
ZAHN: Just sitting here watching, you shoot, made me feel the power of that weapon. And you have got a guy out there, Drew, like Congressman Moran who is saying this weapon is powerful enough to bring down a jet. What is the reality?

GRIFFIN: Well, the opponents say it's true. The reality is, can you put a bullet into an engine? Can you put it through a fuel tank? Can you put it through a cockpit? Yes. Is that enough to down a commercial airliner, probably not. Could it cripple an airliner, create an emergency? I think you would have to say the answer is yes.

ZAHN: So, beyond Congressman Moran and the people supporting his point of view, how worried is the intelligence community or anybody in the government about this weapon?

Back to topic, the legality of the purchase comes down to the fact that there is no allowance for interstate purchase of firearms other than through an FFL holder. The private citizen who sold him the weapon can't legally sell to him unless he's from Texas. And the CNN purchaser is performing a felony if he attempts to circumvent the law and purchase in a state that he is not a resident.

Now, that being said there are two things that should happen. One they didn't purchase the weapon illegally, but falsified the report to make it look like they could. In this case they should be held accountable by the public and the rest of the MSM. If they purchased it illegally on the other hand, the report is just fine, but the purchaser should be arrested and charged with multiple felonies. And as one commenter at Smallest Minority points out, they may have a case for conspiracy, since multiple individuals were involved in the perpetration of a felony.

Read the transcript. You'll be appalled.

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