Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Human Cloning

This is cloning of embryos for human stem cells. Research related to ALS. This isn't the first cloning of human cells. It is known to have already happened in South Korea.

Waiting for the Shite storm.

I'm not going to minimize the ethical arguments on all sides related to cloning. It's a very complex issue. In this case I thing this is a definite no harm. They do state that they are cloning embryos, but since they aren't really clear, I'll assume that this is cloning of a unused or aborted embryo. Since these embryo have no viable host to bring them to full gestation, I don't see them as any more than cells.

Are we supposed to be appeased by Professor Wilmut's declarations that the human embryos will be destroyed after experimentation and that his team has no intention of producing cloned babies?" asked Julia Millington of the London-based ProLife Alliance.

"All human cloning is intrinsically wrong and should be outlawed. However, the creation of cloned human embryos destined for experimentation and subsequent destruction is particularly abhorrent."

I'd say this extreme view is just foolish. These embryo are not humans. Have no way to get there. It would be a waste to just destroy them. Instead, they should be looked at as a resource that can benefit the lives of millions of humans (and millions of semi-humans).

Even if you disapprove of the waste of these embryo's 'lives', irrelevant of source, you should be smart enough to realize that not doing anything with them is more of a sin than using them to benefit life. I'm not advocating creation of embryos for the research, merely use the ones that exist from a legal process, for advancement of the "human quality of life."

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