Sunday, July 23, 2006

True Statements

Including a reference to Sherman's March to the Sea. I'm becoming more and more convinced that a really thorough war (with all the complete horror that it will bring with it) is what's needed in the Middle East. Stop trying to avoid entanglements with the crazed leaders of Iran & Syria. Instead, entangle them right up to their throats. I've seen the same arguments from Victor Davis Hanson, Niall Ferguson and others. Undecided, truncated wars, never end. Korea is a shining example, but there are others that include, not least, the Middle East. Otherwise, we are looking at another fifty years of staring down the barrel at North Korea, at more 7/7's and 9/11's, more missiles & rockets raining down on Israel and that is not a pretty thought.
So, I'd like to resubmit my support for John Murtha's pullout. Let's just do it correctly. We'll leave by way of Tripoli, knocking down anything we need to in order to get there. We'll evacuate the troops from Afghanistan the same way. Then, we can pull back over the "horizon" to Okinawa like Murtha wants.
For those slow on the uptake, look at a map to see where Tripoli is and what lies between it and Iraq and it and Afghanistan.

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