Sunday, July 09, 2006

Debra Frisch

I just want one question asked & answered. Is what she did simply abhorrent, or is it criminal? I haven't seen that question or an answer anywhere.


Nylarthotep said...

What's even scarier is people defending her and blaming him for the whole thing. That is just rich.

And now the Denial-of-Service attacks are starting up against some of the conservative and mil-blogers. Just makes you wonder what this election year is going to be like, never mind the next presidential run.

Granted said...

Privileged people who feel completely powerless do have a tendency to lash out (all those middle class terrorists). I think if the far left loses more ground, or even doesn't gain much ground in the 2006 election, the 2008 one could be quite violent. Remember what they were like in the early to mid-seventies when the "revolution" was happening fast enough some of them started trying to give it a push, rather violently.
The defense of this wacko, albeit very small, isn't coming from the more level-headed on the left. I went to that Gideon's web site. It's in the bad part of the fever swamp.