Thursday, July 13, 2006

Think the NSA is Listening? - Sue 'Em

Here's a bill of high value from your favorite political hack Chuckles Schumer.
A BILL To provide standing for civil actions for declaratory and injunctive relief to persons who refrain from electronic communications through fear of being subject to warrantless electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes, and for other purposes.
(a) STANDING.--A United States citizen who has refrained or will refrain from wire communications because of a reasonable fear that such communications will be the subject of electronic surveillance conducted without an order issued in accordance with title I of the Foreign Intel-ligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) under a claim of Presidential authority under either the Constitution of the United States or the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 10740; 115 Stat. 224;50 U.S.C. 1541 note) shall have a cause of action and shall be entitled to declaratory or injunctive relief with respect to such electronic surveillance.
(3) A reasonable fear shall be established by evidence that the person bringing the action-- (A) has and will continue to have regular wire communications from the United States to one or more persons in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, or any country designated as a state sponsor of terrorism in the course of that person's paid employment doing journalistic, academic, or other research pertaining to terrorism or terrorist groups; or (B) has engaged and will continue to engage in one or more commercial transactions with a bank or other financial institution in a country described in subparagraph (A).
Almost sounds like a profile on how to dodge the surveillance systems for financial transactions or terrorist plotting. Let's see, be a journalist or academic etc. doing work that has to make money transfers to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc and you're afraid that you might be watched by the intelligence services, then you can sue them to get an injunction to stop them from eavesdropping on your activities, then you have a clear method to carry on with your terror related activities.


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