Thursday, July 20, 2006

Reality and the Lack of Contact with It

The link is a horrible source, but the quote is just too precious:
"Some people think by repeating something that's not true makes it so. Just repeating a lie doesn't make it true," McKinney said.

"I'm the one who tells the truth. On what George Bush knew about 9/11. I put my body against the war machine, against the wheels and the levers of the machine. And I said you've got to stop it."
Further parts of the quote are just as fantastic.

I think I'd have enjoyed being at this political event. It would have been like going to a freak show, just scarier.

1 comment:

Granted said...

Ohhh Kayyy! Those are scary people. Just the way they string sentences together you can hear their brain bouncing inside their skulls like a beebee. Yechh!