Tuesday, April 11, 2006

VDH on McKinney and Arrogance

Not to go into the McKinney case again, I just loved this bit of perspective:

Some of the official response so far has been depressing. The leading Democrat in the House, California 's Nancy Pelosi, initially dryly dismissed the incident with, "I would not make a big deal of this." Fine, except this same congresswoman recently referred to Vice President Dick Cheney's handling of his hunting accident as a "manifestation of the arrogance of the White House. They don't come clean with the American people. They think they are above the law and above accountability to the American people."

Note Pelosi's words "arrogance" and "above the law." Is deliberately slugging a federal security official at a Capitol checkpoint less arrogant or illegal than how Cheney behaved after accidentally peppering a friend during a private hunt?
Heh. You have to love the juxtaposition of the reactions.

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