Thursday, April 20, 2006

Screaming Angry Liberal Left

I wish I had profound statements to make about this. I don't. I'm just amazed and hopefully someone else has something deep, serious, and important to say about this level of insanity.
BTW, this is said as someone who is registered as an Independent and has voted for people in the Republican and Democratic parties (as well as one time for a Green and several times for Libertarians and one time, when I was in a really foul mood about the world, for an out & out Communist) in recent elections.
But at least these are well-balanced people who are reality based and open, free thinkers:

The cigarettes are because of a personality that she describes as compulsive.

The nonalcoholic beer is because for several years she drank to excess.

The note that says "Why am I/you here?" is because she is in constant search of an answer.

Keep looking lady.


geekwife said...

She says "I'm insane with rage and grief." I think she could have gone with a full stop after "insane".

This lady reminds me of a lesson I learned while working in NYC. Fairly early on a lovely day, a woman walked into the video store I managed and proceeded to be nasty and vitriolic to the clerk who was dealing with her transaction. After she left, the clerk expressed concern. What had he done to provoke her? Shortly thereafter, another employee went two doors down to grab a coffee at a nearby coffee shop. Who should be there, again being nasty and vitriolic to the hapless cashier, but the same lady.

Some people look sane, and act mostly sane, but have deep-seated issues. They walk around working through those issues on everyone else around them, and can fool you into thinking that you are somehow personally involved. But you're not; it's all about them. This lady was "wracked by guilt" as a bleeding heart liberal for years. Now she's moved to a more active phase of her self-therapy. She thinks it's about Bush and the Republicans, but if they didn't exist she'd find something else to be just as angry about, because right now she needs to be angry.

I'm just glad I don't have to interact with her, ever.

Granted said...

Oooh, don't say "ever." She might follow a link to us from Technorati and decide we're representatives of Satan... uh, I mean, Bush, and go off on a regular basis.

Of course, that's wishful thinking. Someone with a GIANT red button on their forehead isn't going to have fun with Nyarlathotep & me in the same room. We'll be pressing it like the right trigger on an X-Box when playing Halo II.

Nylarthotep said...

Ugh. The sick and twisted edges.

Funny how very centrist we seem when you look at the edges.

Why get so pissed off about it all? I can understand frustrated, but ranting mad is just foolish.

Funny how the internet really made the nut cases more obvious as well.