Saturday, April 08, 2006

Counterinsurgency Counteranalysis

Yep, that's a mouthful, and an interesting topic.

In that vein, a proposed definition for counteranalysis might be:

Counteranalysis - utilizing analytical techniques or methodologies to develop an understanding of an adversary’s analytic process, thereby predicting the adversary’s potential decision outcomes and likely courses of action.

This technique does not seek to disrupt the enemy’s analytical process so much as to anticipate it and leverage it to ascertain what his decisions—and derivative courses of action—may be before he has a chance to implement them.

The counteranalysis methodology offers some distinct advantages over traditional analysis in a counterinsurgency context. Counteranalysis may present a uniquely attractive option for mitigating casualties in the Iraqi counterinsurgency campaign, where traditional analysis normally requires an accumulation of enemy attacks to develop an historical base of analyzable statistics.

The discussion speaks of Boyd's OODA Loop and alternative analysis methods from those typically utilized by our military.

And then the finishing quote in the article:
Thus, what is of extreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy….
Therefore, determine the enemy’s plans and you will know which strategy will be successful and which will not;
Agitate him and discern the pattern of his movement.
- Sun Tzu,
The Art of War

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