Friday, April 07, 2006

A little more SF for the day

This was one chilling read. I sure hope it is a short story and not the truth.

h/t Vodkapundit

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Syracuse is a poor analogy for Iraq. Athens and their alies never took Syracuse. In fact they only made a half-assed effort to take it and then destroyed their primary military force (Navy) trying to take it.

The US has taken Iraq and have a modest grip on it. Failure to succede though would have effects that could very well be devastating for US interests.

Very disturbing vision. Unfortunately, it will take a second or third major terrorist attack on the country to even make the liberals and pacifists blink. I'm even pessimistic enough to think that that would still leave them believing that it's all our fault.

The comments at the VodkaPundit are interesting. Apparently his readers for the most part get it. Unfortunately, I don't see any way to spread that understanding.

Very depressing.