Thursday, October 06, 2005

More Coyote Coddling in the People's Republic of Massachusetts

mASS BACKWARDS has an entry on a coyote attack on a 4 year old that was prevented by a grandfather.
Kudos to this heroic grandfather, whose quick thinking, and physical strength, saved his grandson from a coyote attack yesterday. I cant help but think, "Gee, a gun might have come in handy there." Think of how much more effectively this child's life could have been protected and the threst eliminated.
Astute observation, but then again, it did occur in Massachusetts.

Then there is the actions of Animal Control Officers to another coyote problem.
Quincy's animal control officer responded to Haigh's call quickly, she said. He handed her a "living with wildlife" brochure. And, as he told her, "his hands were tied."
I can't actually find the "brochure" but I did find this from the Mass Audubon on coyotes. And this from the Mass Fish & Game. This bit I find especially funny:
Don't let coyotes intimidate you! Don't hesitate to scare or threaten coyotes with loud noises, bright lights, or water.
Those all work for the minute, but high velocity lead is much more permanent.

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