Sunday, October 16, 2005

Echo Chambers

Althouse blog regarding a NYTimes article by John Tierney on the reasons why few conservatives are found in academia. It really comes down to academia being an echo chamber. Fortunately the discussion just dumps the usual liberal reasoning of stupidity, greed, not valuing knowledge for it's own stake, and not caring about social good. All of which are appallingly poor arguments. Read the Althouse blog entry before continuing.

I'd say that the echo chamber phenomenon is pretty much the norm for most groups that strongly identify with a single ideology. Labor Unions and the Religious Right tend to have very restricted ideology in similar manners.

Personally, I think there is something to the Echo Chamber hypothesis. People who strongly identify with an ideology will tend to strongly defend that view and discount valid arguments against it. Mind you, not everyone will do this, but many do.

I've looked at the Echo Chamber meme that has been floating around for a while, and there is an almost funny echo chamber event related to echo chambers. Groups who attack others as being in an echo chamber far too often appear to be in one themselves. Some of them have a valid point to identify the opposition as being in an echo chamber, but the failure to see that they are in one themselves is ironic.

I suppose one needs to watch for the faults of becoming too attached to any ideology.

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