Thursday, December 30, 2004

Public Service Message

I know Geekwife will keep this link handy. There may be others that need it as well.

In addition to the link: Toll Free Customer Service Number (800) 201-7575

Geekwife is pretty ripped at Amazon and has been for some time. She'd love to take her business elsewhere, but doesn't like the choices offered elswhere (let's face it, as bad as Amazon is, would you go to I'm still pretty happy with Amazon, but I do see some of their practices as a bit greasy to say the least. They set the site up to facilitate billing, not ordering, and that's just sleazy. Anyway, hopefully this will help others that may need this number.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

I'm not very fond of Amazon, but like you say, it's not like you have much choice. I just tried going to, where I used to get technical books. The Barnes&Ignoble site comes up. Damnit.

I use Alibris as much as I can, just because I can get a book used for a lot less and usually in as good a condition as from Amazon. I've had troubles, but not a lot. I've ordered a book on ballistics 3 times from them and have never received a copy. I'm almost paranoid about the reasons for this. Problem with them is that there is no way to leave feedback on crappy book dealers. The last book I ordered from there was a large history text and it came in a large box half filled with styrafoam peanuts and the book floating among them. To say the least the book looked like it had been dragged behind a car for a couple of blocks. Then they refused to take it back. (bastards) Well it wasn't expensive, but I have that store listed in my little green paranoia book.