Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Political Leaks of Secret Information

This one seems to be totally missed by the MSM.

Here's the crux:

As a result of their revelations to the public and the press, three U.S. Senators -- Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), who's also the ranking Dem on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) -- are the subject of a "criminal referral" made on Monday for speaking publicly about this satellite. Such referrals are made to the Justice Department by the administration when criminal conduct is suspected. In this case, it's not only suspected, it's evidenced on the front pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post. A highly reliable intelligence community source told me that the referral had been made because senior administration officials were beside themselves that the three had taken the controversy on funding this project to the press.

Will this come to anything. I've been continuously amazed that all these "leaks" have come to absolutely no prosecutions. Is there no importance to the counties big secrets?

I did find this editorial, but for some reason they see this probe as being suppression of criticism. Coming from a Californian paper, I'm not surprised. By this thought, you'd have to call television reporters showing combatants in active operations a reasonable report and not risking their lives for a sensational news piece.

This report is more factual, and has more details about the satellite and the information that was released by the senators. I suppose you could see that since they don't approve of the spending for this satellite, the best way to scuttle to program is to leak information that it exists and make it ineffective.

If this is found to be true, I would demand jail time for these senators.

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