Monday, December 20, 2004

NH Political MoonBats

I found this Shawn Macomber column in The American Spectator. It references a NH group of complete idiots. I only say that because it looks and reads that way.

Take this as an example:

Before the Inaugural...Things To do List

1. Get that abortion you've always wanted.

2. Drink a nice clean glass of water.

3. Cash your social security check.

4. See a doctor of your own choosing.

5. Spend quality time with your draft age child/grandchild.

6. Visit Syria, or any foreign country for that matter.

7. Get that gas mask you've been putting off buying.

8. Hoard gasoline.

10. Borrow books from library before they're banned - Constitutional law books, Catcher in the Rye, Harry Potter, Tropic of Cancer,etc.

11. If you have an idea for an art piece involving a crucifix - do it

I'll refrain from comment since Macomber does a pretty good jobs. [and in all likelihood I will be unable to comment with out the use of obscenities for these "people."


Granted said...

Please, just steal Catcher in the Rye from the library. That's a book that just doesn't need to exist. While you're at it, take Atlas Shrugged too. No other teenagers in the world should be subjected to those two works of "art" ever again. Help out your library. Purchase several copies of Eric Hoffer's "The True Believer" and Heinlein's "Revolt in 2100" to get the kids oriented correctly as they head out into the world.

Granted said...

Oh, and you should use the quotes like this "these people" or "those people." Just like General Lee referring to the Union Army (may he burn in hell).