Monday, May 08, 2006

Comic Book News

Although I've given up collecting, sold the collection and stay out of comic book stores, once a junky, always a junky. The habit could come back at any time. Articles like this make my veins itch.

Oooh, Batman has been gone a year? What happened? So it begins. I'll buy '52.' Then, there'll be references to stuff in ongoing issues of Batman and Detective Comics and whatever team books he's currently in, so I'll pick those up too. Plus, a few back issues, just to finish some important stories. Oh, and this handful of recommendations from the guys in the store. Hey, what is happening with the X-Men these days anyway...

Step one: Admitting you have a problem...


geekwife said...

Nooooo!!! Stop now!! No more "stuff" around the house!!!!!

Nylarthotep said...


Like scrap booking "stuff?"

Just asking.

geekwife said...

Hey!! That stuff is nicely organized and confined to a well-defined space. AND I'm documenting family history with my hobby. AND even with my "stuff", Granted still collects FAR more stuff than I do. And his stuff tends to be big and bulky.