Monday, February 27, 2006

What. The. F***?!

I'm at a loss for words.

Never has an article made me blink with astonishment as much as when I read in yesterday's New York Times magazine that Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, former ambassador-at-large for the Taliban, is now studying at Yale on a U.S. student visa.

I don't believe Mr. Rahmatullah had direct knowledge of the 9/11 plot, and I don't think he has ever killed anyone. I can appreciate that he is trying to rebuild his life. But he willingly and cheerfully served an evil regime in a manner that would have made Goebbels proud.


Nylarthotep said...

Yalestan? Harvardistan?

I'm not sure what bothers me more, the acedemics getting into bidding wars for these pieces of crud or the fact that the US actually allowed them a VISA.

Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. At this point this should be expected.

geekwife said...

Sadly, I'm not at all surprised that there are bidding wars for these guys - our universities are mostly run by useful idiots. That's the sort of thing useful idiots can be counted on to do. I am surprised and angry that this guy was allowed a visa. Seems to me he should have been let into the country for the sole purpose of sending him to Gitmo. I think INS has some explaining to do.