Thursday, March 16, 2006

UN Arms Control

Good link from SayUncle.

I find this good news.

As the United Nations prepares to host a review conference on curbing trade in small arms and light weapons, disputes over the extent of such measures and whether they should be legally binding are hampering progress. The disputes have helped block participants from even agreeing on an agenda, raising the possibility of a repeat of a 2001 conference that ended without an agreement on binding measures.

More than 50 countries met at a Jan. 9-21 New York preparatory meeting for the June 26-July 7 UN review conference. At the conclusion of the preparatory meeting, Chairman Sylvester Rowe of Sierra Leone compiled a document of possible policy options for the conference, including consideration of legally binding measures. But the lack of consensus on the document brought the meeting to a close without an agreed agenda.

A number of countries, including the United States, resisted any attempt to discuss legally binding measures and also rebuffed efforts to address limits on civilian ownership, legal trade and manufacture, and transfers to nonstate entities.

I'm happy to hear about the blocking of legally binding resolutions, especially when it comes with relevant statements regarding civilian ownership. You know, that thing protected by the Second Amendment.
Some U.S. lawmakers are pressing the Bush administration to pursue a new approach at the 2006 conference. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), along with a dozen colleagues, sent a Jan. 12 letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urging her to "“push for strong, specific arms export criteria in or [that would] supplement" the UN Program of Action in June. Such criteria, the letter volunteers, could include the prevention of arms transfers that could result in human rights abuses or terrorism, violations of international treaties and embargoes, or disruptions to regional peace and security.
Feinstein really irritates me. I always get a suspicious feeling that she would use one of these international agreements to force gun control inside the country if she could. Unfortunately, the wording of this report is really vague. I'd prefer very specific statements on what she wants to disallow rather than these broad sweeping terms that could come back to bite us.

1 comment:

Granted said...

Feinstein has an agenda. It's bald & open and out front. She's like a weather vane for bad policy. If she thinks its a good idea, we should probably go the other way.