Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Only Thing to Fear is... Hollywood?

You know, I'm sure this guy thinks he's really whiz-bang, and I'm sure he's not stupid. And yet, does he know any history prior to 1960? Factual, really-happened history, vs. Hollywood movie history? When our country is at war, by necessity civil liberties get infringed upon. It is not new now, and it was not new during the Vietnam war. So while we need to be vigilant that the government doesn't overreach in that area, it's important to remember that it has happened many times in past wars, and that it's really NOT because the people in the gov't are evil and just itching for the excuse to do it. Not really that they make up the war as the purpose for doing it.

He talks about the film "Fail-Safe" and the all-to-real scenario it presented (or maybe he thinks it only seemed real) but fails to recognize that that scenario did not play out in reality because of Reagan and his resolve through the Cold War. Not because the Soviets were actually singing Koombayah while we merely thought they were in an arms race with us. Or more to the way this guy seems to think, that the Reagan administration manipulated us into being afraid when in fact the Soviets were just cuddly puppies.

He is concerned about fear being able to chip away at American freedoms - but does not mention the irony that fear of retaliation from radical Islam led so many media outlets across our country to voluntarily give up their first amendment rights as they self-censored over the "offensive" Mohammed cartoons. No, apparently the only thing to fear these days is the Bush administrations eagerness to make us feel falsely afraid. Remind me again what happened on Sept 11, 2001? And whatever happened to that nice Dutch filmmaker, Theo van Gogh?

The thought that these films could be falsely manipulating the public's fear of our Gov't apparently doesn't enter his head. I guess because, to him, it's just a given fact that the current administration is the only scary thing happening in the world today. Which makes me wonder, does absolutely everyone who works in and around the entertainment industry (with the exceptions of Ron Silver, Bruce Willis, and Bill Whittle) have their head shoved firmly up their rectum?

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