Monday, July 25, 2005

What Happens When the Good Guys, er Democrats, Run Things

This is maddening. When are the freaking liberal morons in this state going to wake the hell up and vote the Dems out, at least long enough to shake their corrupt hold on this state's government?


Nylarthotep said...

There is a well hidden story. I'm amazed that it made it into the Globe.

Question is, will any of these politicians be held accountable? Me thinks not.

Now you just need to find someone to make a binding ballot initiative which will force them to make ballot initiatives easier to perform. And ensure that they can be made binding. You have to love when the legislature ignores these initiatives. Gives you the feeling that they don't give a damn about what you think. Which of course, I'm betting they don't.

geekwife said...

Clearly the legislators don't give a rat's a** what the people think unless it's close to an election.

Why is it that the legislature can can completely ignore these things and go unpunished?

What is wrong with the voters of Massachusetts? Don't they see how corrupt the state government is? This state is a perfect example of the dangers of one-party-rule. I can't believe these liars haven't been voted out of office already.

Are liberals just lemmings? Is that what's going on here?