Monday, July 11, 2005

MoveOn Staying on Message

From Drudge.

Pretty funny:

Over the weekend, the liberal activist group MOVEON.ORG hosted over house parties across the nation to stop President Bush from nominating a "radical right judge"” -- and the DRUDGE REPORT obtained an exclusive invite to one of their hottest parties!

Charles Fazio of Alexandria, VA was the host of one of the most widely attended MOVEON parties in the Washington, DC area. The DRUDGE REPORT has learned because of Fazio's registration success, his party was chosen to be a finalist on the WASHINGTON POST's list of house party events the paper would cover.

The MOVEON host reminded his guests: "We don't want to come across as leftist, liberal activists. We want to come across as we are- regular folks who are finally saying enough is enough to the extremists; that we're not falling for their extremist rhetoric anymore and we're finally going to expend the effort necessary to get our country back."
This just makes me chuckle. How could anyone consider MoveOn extremist? Of course, I'm not sure how anyone would actually believe they weren't extremist due to a single article in WaPo.

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