Tuesday, July 19, 2005

How to Make A Super Hero Movie

This is actually a pretty good article on Salon for what does, and doesn't, make a good super hero film. Luckily, this guy, unlike the last one on Salon, actually knows what he's talking about (and appropriately belittles Schumacher).

Worth the read.

1 comment:

Nylarthotep said...

Excellent article. I especially like the point regarding chins. Though I'm not certain that Bale has a strong jaw is completely accurate. With the cowl on, I definitely thought that there was a certain lack of jaw. Though no where near the chin black hole of Keaton.

The "stick to the original story" section was far too true. I would also argue that some of the time you just need to pick one of the stories and choose a good one. The Batman story has too many variations. Sticking to "Year 1" story line was better than the campy crap of Burton.