Thursday, January 06, 2005

Liberal Collegiate Intimidation of foreign Students

Get a load of this one. I saw this first at LGF.

Kuwaiti student writes essay supporting the American Constitution. Then is threatened with deportation and required to get psychotherapy by the professor.

Professor then brings harassment charges against the student when the topic reaches the media.

Well, Imagine that. You pull a stupid stunt like that and someone tells the press and makes you stand in the public court of opinion and you feel harassed.



Granted said...

It is 75 kinds of f'ed up.

However, did you read the kid's essay? It was so scattered & slip shod I couldn't believe it. Maybe it was because of it being a second language. Maybe because it was written under pressure. Either way, the professor could have graded him badly, but questioning his sanity was beyond stupid. No need to get into the "I'm being harassed because a decision I made is being questioned." What a crock.

Nylarthotep said...

I agree. The paper hasn't much going for it. But then I haven't any idea of what the assignment really was. The fact that there is nothing that he quotes to support his point is where the paper fails. I'm certain he believes it, as do I. But a little real work could have given him some place to point for support his supposition.

It took me a google search of "founding fathers selfish constitution" to come up with this fairly good document that speaks directly to his theme.
From there you should be able to get much more information that would stand up to the argument.

Well, I guess I wasn't much of a writer in college either, and english is supposedly my native tongue.