Wednesday, January 19, 2005

British Prisoner Abuses in Iraq

Sounds familiar.

I just don't understand these actions. Why would you choose to treat someone like this? I guess I don't understand why you'd find yourself abusing someone for no reason at all. I understand that there are nut cases out there, but are there really this many out there?

The longer I here the abuse records, the more I think that some part of it, even if very small part, had to have been part of intelligence procurement. I just get a little tingle that characterizing all of this is only a problem with some rogue low level troops. Wasn't anyone supervising these guys at all?

The only reference to an officer up for prosecution is this article on a Navy Seal Lieutenant that was photographed in Abu Ghraib with prisoners. Even that hasn't even come to a point of court martial.

I'm sorry, but you can't have supervisory officers walking with nothing or at most a letter in their jacket, when the troops they were responsible for are getting 10 years in prison. It just doesn't sound quite fair.

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