I am a flying polyp. What more needs to be said?
I agree with Ace.
Now, is Nyarl going to be recognized as such?

Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?
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Geek wife is:

Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?

You are a HOUND OF TINDALOS, a fearsome quadroped that travels between dimensions by materialising through corners and angles, from which the only hiding place is within a sphere. The hounds hunt the dimensions in search of food, humans being a particular favourite, whom it devours with its huge conical tounge through which the victims' vital essences are sucked.
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Who Are You In The Cthulhu Mythos?
You are NYARLATHOTEP, the mind, spirit, physical representation of and messenger to, the Outer Gods. Often manifesting in human form, Nyarlathotep is a great manipulator of humans, bending them to the will of his masters.In true form Nyarlathotep is a 55' tall monstrosity with a giant trunk-like proboscis. But he prefers the guise of a human, often appearing as a rich, well educated man, bending people to his will and towards their ultimate downfall.
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Didn't even cheat. I guess I know that story a bit too well.
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