Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Iraqis Reminding Us What's at Stake

A swift American withdrawal from Iraq

would leave the silent majority of Iraqis hostage to the most vicious extremists, abandoning those Iraqi leaders who have championed liberal democratic values. One of them is Mithal al-Alusi, a 53-year-old Sunni Arab who won a seat in parliament last December after having served as director general of the National Commission on de-Baathification. Mr. al-Alusi ran on a platform of religious pluralism, human rights, free markets and a free press. He calls for an alliance among democracies--including the U.S., Iraq, Israel and Turkey--to fight terrorism.

How come the MSM isn't covering this kind of guy, these kind of predictions about what will happen if we go? Don't you think a lot of those Americans who think the fighting isn't worth it might change their minds if they had Iraqis on their TV screens asking us to stay, reminding of the human cost of cutting and running?

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