Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Dowdy Interviews John Stewart

I linked FreeWill, because I can't find any reason to link Rolling Stone, even if they have a rather funny interview. The article is an interview with Colbert and Stewart.
DOWD: Your shows are like mirrors within mirrors, using a cycle of fakery to get to the truth. You've tapped into a sense in society that nothing, from reality shows to Bushworld, is real anymore. Do you guys ever get confused by your hall of mirrors?

STEWART: I didn't know we were going to have to be high to do this interview.
Things we have learned: Dowd is unaware that news satire has been popular for decades now, and that Stewart's show has been around longer than Bush. Yet, still greater shocks are in store for the reality-impaired:
DOWD: Your show has thrived during the Bush administration. Will you miss it?

STEWART: I remember people used to say, "What are you gonna do when Clinton leaves?"...I'd much prefer these guys to leave than to have to continue to make Lord Vader jokes about Cheney. I have great faith in institutional absurdity.

DOWD: But wouldn't, say, a President Obama be harder to make fun of than these guys?

STEWART: Are you kidding?
Why, no, she's not, John, and how dare you defame her infallible Obama!
Have to admit that Stewart's "high" line got me to laugh out loud.

Unfortunately, the article is by MoDo and you have to wade through her opinions and stupidity. Fortunately you can skip her commentary and just read the lines from Colbert and Stewart. It's pretty light and I suppose that helps a lot. After reading the interview, I'm betting that MoDo wasn't as happy as she'd hoped to have been at the end of that interview.

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